About Us

Meet Our Team

Our Founders​

Nassim and Jonathan are part of the founding team at Neurophonic and are on a personal quest to cure tinnitus. Having experienced the effects of tinnitus themselves, they are determined to find a solution for this disease.

Jonathan Kneepkens

Jonathan has a master’s in biomedical engineering and was part of the team that developed the DualStim. He therefore has a deep understanding of the technology. Through his medical background he has seen many hospitals and healthcare instutions from the inside and bridges the gap between technology and medicine.

Nassim Eddini

Nassim holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a master’s degree in computer & embedded systems engineering. Most recently he worked on patient-specific brain modeling for tinnitus and chronic pain. Additionally, coming from a family of entrepreneurs and having stepped into the world of entrepreneurship before, he brings not only a strong technical background, but also an entrepreneurial mindset to the team.

Our Advisors

We cannot reach the goal of relieving tinnitus alone. We are reinforced by a team of entrusted advisors on medical and technological fronts.

Dirk de Ridder

Dirk de Ridder is neurosurgeon at the BRAI3N Clinic in Gent and Professor Neurosurgery at Otago University, New Zealand. Dirk de Ridder is renowned as the world’s leading tinnitus expert having studied it’s mechanisms for over 20 years and published countless of top-rated articles. A luminary in the field of tinnitus research, his insights and conceptual contributions have paved the way for our treatment approach. As a trusted medical advisor to Neurophonic, Dirk’s expertise ensures the efficacy and safety of our innovative solution.

Wouter Serdijn

Wouter A. Serdijn is a leading expert in bioelectronics and a Full Professor at Delft University of Technology. He also holds a Medical-Delta honorary professorship at TU Delft and the Erasmus Medical Center. His work focuses on designing advanced biomedical circuits and systems—including hearing instruments, pacemakers, and neurostimulators—and has resulted in over 300 scientific publications, several patents, and numerous books. An IEEE Fellow and Distinguished Lecturer, he has played key leadership roles within IEEE, including Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—I. Recognized three times as TU Delft’s Best Teacher, Wouter brings deep expertise to our team.

Neurophonic has laid the foundation for this innovative tinnitus treatment. But we still have a long road ahead of us.

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